Early Spring Ephemerals& Flowering Natives Bloodroot Trout lilies w/ blue cohosh, on left Ramps & Ferns Dutchman's Breeches Solomon's Seal Solomon's Plume (formerly False Solomon's Seal) Ostrich Fern Native Toothwort, w/ Christmas fern Purple Violets Native Labrador Violets Downy Yellow Violets Tiny 'Swamp' Violets Pale Purple Violets Blue Cohosh Virginia Bluebells, native Jacob's Ladder, in bud Jacob's Ladder, in bloom, native Bleeding Hearts, native Bleeding Hearts, native Sweet Coltsfoot, western native Blooming Saskatoon Berry & Lemon/Lime Ninebark Rose Twisted-Stalk Streptopus Lanceolatus, native Blue Crested Wood Iris Flowering Blueberries 'Spring Symphony' Appalachian Tiarella Dutchman's Breeches Fothergilla, in bloom Pagoda dogwood, in bloom, with Cranberry Viburnum in background Canadian Anemone Canadian Anemone, close up Prostrate Catskill Sandcherry Catskill Prostrate Sandcherry, in bloom Catskill Prostrate Sandcherry, close-up Doll's-eye (White Bugbane), in bloom 'Dropmore Scarlet' Honeysuckle, native 'Gold Flame' Climbing Honeysuckle, native sport 'Golden Flame' Honeysuckle (L. X Heckrottii) Early Meadowrue Sweetfern Black Haw Viburnum 'Pussy Toes' Antenaria, native Our native Columbine; My favorite native perennial Fringed Bleeding Heart, Ferns & Apple Amelanchier Leaf, natives Wild Strawberries, native Avens, native Early Meadowrue Maidenhair Fern, native Red Lady Fern, native Sensitive Fern, native 'Pearly Everlastings' Anaphalis margaritacea, native Shin leaf 'Spring Symphony' Tiarella Cordifolia, Foam Flower Pagoda Dogwood, in bloom, with Cranberry Viburnum in view